
BD Mud Pack for Men 

Everyone, whether male or female, is born with some breast cells and tissue. Therefore, all breast tissue can be treated in the same manner using the BD Mud Pack protocol. 

The BD Mud Pack protocol is a series of mud packs placed on specific areas of the body and breast. Due to most men having less breast tissue, the BD Mud Pack can eliminate up to 50% of the local bio-accumulation of the toxic elements in a single application.

The breasts of an adult man are similar to the breasts of a girl before puberty.  Although males do not develop milk-producing breasts, a man’s breast cells and tissue can also develop cancer. 

 In fact, men are vulnerable to get the same types of breast cancers that women get. One in every 100 breast cancer cases diagnosed in the United States is found in a man.

Men carry a higher mortality rate than women.  Men are less likely to assume that a lump is breast cancer. This assumption can cause a delay in seeking medical treatment.

You should always get regular urologist and medical screenings. Any unusual symptoms regarding your breast, please contact your medical physician.

The fact that men and women have the same type of breast tissue means that they can develop the same types of diseases. The tissue of a male breast holds multiple forms of accumulated toxins within the fat and surrounding tissues.

Our skin and the products we use on them are very fat-loving and some toxins remain stored in fat tissue or what is called adipose tissue. Toxins are mostly fat soluble, which means they dissolve in body fat. They will have built up, mostly in your body fat, over many years. This is a large factor as to why some individuals are unable to lose weight despite calorie restriction and exercise. 

Products and chemicals such as shaving creams, hair/beard dyes and deodorants are elements that we are exposed to on a regular and daily basis. We are also exposed to these and other chemicals through food, air and water. Ninety-nine percent of all breast cancer cells contain parabens – chemicals known, without a doubt, to be linked to cancer. 

Surgeons often remove lymph tissue from under the arm when they are removing cancerous breast tissue. Fluids draining from the arm must past through the armpit. If lymph nodes are removed from this area, lymphatic dysfunction and swelling in the arm can occur.

Part of the BD Mud Pack protocol is to clear the areas under the arms before going on to the breast.

BD Mud Pack can assist in reinforcing or in restoring these areas to their ideal cellular state, so the body’s lymph system can then sweep away dead cells and debris. 

Breast cancer in men is not yet completely understood. Research has determined that several of these factors may also increase the risk.

  • Risk Factors for Men: Older Age, overweight and obesity, injury or removal of testicles, chemical exposure, radiation exposure, dental plaque or infections, family history of breast cancer, liver disease, excess alcohol, hormone therapy treatment, and high estrogen levels from foods and chemicals. 
  • Signs of Breast Cancer in Men: Breast cancer in men can exhibit the same symptoms as breast cancer in women. Breast cancer in men is usually detected as a hard lump underneath the nipple and areola, dimpled or puckered skin, red or scaly nipple or skin, fluid discharge. Breast lumps are not all cancerous.

BD Mud Pack and BD Dental Pack

This protocol is mapped out to open the detox pathways of the feet and hands (4 downloads)  first, by using the BD Mud Pack.

Then use the BD Dental Pack for proper oral and body drainage before moving onto the body and breast. This is getting ahead of any possible drainage pathways to the breast first and keeping the body from backing up.

The (4 downloads) do not have to be done every time you pack your body or mouth but consider revisiting these areas for possible re-accumulation.

BD Mud Pack

The natural detoxifiers in the BD Packs are highly negatively charged. Toxic, synthetic chemicals are positively charged. When the BD Packs are wetted with the activating BD Mineral Serum, that pack is then applied to your skin, on the body in various places. An osmotic effect occurs where the positively charged ions of the chemical toxins are attracted to draw them out of the body.   

Remember, other than a toxic burden, an Interference Field (IF) can be any type of body trauma, such as piercing, tattoos, dental infections, surgeries, extractions and injections, liposuction, reduction, implants, exploratory procedures, and biopsies (internal scars may not be visible). An (IF) of any nature, disturbs the original state of the tissue and surrounding circulations and pathways.

BD Dental Pack

Aids to Clear and Restore Oral Cavity

BD Dental Pack helps to restore electro-chemically and pathologically altered tissue, an (IF) back to their ideal cellular state.

BD Packs can be the most detoxifying combination of clays to clear and restore damaged cells by assisting with the removal of these bio-accumulations and any possible (IF) of the oral cavity.

BD Packs is made, small amounts at a time are placed through the entire mouth to clear bio-accumulations and restore any (IF) of the oral cavity.

(IF) Trauma of the mouth that can be caused by external or internal damage, injection sites, surgeries, cavitations, implants, and previously extracted teeth. Also, internal damage from dead cell waste from past or present gum disease or dental infections.

(IF)  Metabolic toxins are toxic materials injected or topical. Metal ions leach from toxic fillings or posts that may have lodged in mucous membranes or gum tissue.

(IF) Teeth and mouth products, chemicals, heavy metals and metabolic toxins that have accumulated in an area can then cause an (IF). This means that abnormal minerals and toxic substances may accumulate inside the cell. As a result, the cell loses the ability to repair itself and resume normal functioning.

BD Dental Pack

This protocol can rapidly eliminate years of bio-accumulations by repairing nerve, lymph and the body’s energy flow.  It can remove a large toxic burden off of one’s body.

BD Mud Pack can be used to open oral pathways and strengthen the constitution of the oral tissue area prior to any scheduled dental procedure.

BD Dental Pack can be used after any dental procedure to keep the pathways of the lymph and blood systems open and to remove bioaccumulation of topical anesthetics or injections.

BD Dental Pack is also ideal to use on its own, for occasional maintenance of the oral cavity.

For this reason, BD Dental Pack can be the most detoxifying combination of clays to assists with the removal of the bio-accumulation and also assisting in restoring an oral cavity of any possible (IF).

There can be a link between Metabolic Dental Toxins and Breast Health

Evidence supports the theory that breast cancer can be triggered as a result of systemic inflammation which originates from infected gums or teeth.

Toxins and bacteria enter the lymphatic system and bloodstream from the tooth root, causing depressed immunity.

Dental infections, root canals and cavitations can be linked to breast cancer

This metabolic dental waste can also cause inflammation or infection and manifest as a problem in another area.

Deterioration of a Tooth

Image above shows decay and bacteria flowing directly from tooth into blood vessels of the circulatory system. BD Dental Pack is ideal in clearing bioaccumulations and restoring (IF) of the oral cavity.

Circulatory System from Oral Cavity

Toxins and bacteria enter the lymphatic system and bloodstream from the tooth root, causing depressed immunity. This metabolic waste can also cause inflammation or infection and manifest as a
problem in another area.

Research has found that periodontal disease is higher in men than in women. Bacteria from the mouth may enter the circulatory system through the gums, which may then affect breast tissue.

Gum disease is caused when dental plaque, a film of bacteria which forms on the surface of the teeth is not removed from the mouth correctly with a good oral care routine.

There are hundreds of different types of bacteria in your mouth. While many of them are friendly, others are not.

Bacteria in your mouth create a biofilm on your teeth, a thin layer known as plaque. Having some plaque on your teeth is perfectly normal, but if it gets out of control it can cause various problems, including bad breath, gum inflammation, gingivitis and cavities.

If you are not sure if you have any underlying dental infections, plaque buildup etc., you should see your dental professional.  

For optimal results, one should be free of any dental plaque or infections prior to doing the BD Mud Pack and the BD Dental Pack.

* BD Mineral Serum is the activating liquid for both BD Mud Pack and the BD Dental Pack *

BD Mud Pack and BD Dental Pack

Complete Protocol
Contact: Intentional Health Breast Detox (310) 214-9411

Email: [email protected]

Disclaimer: Intentional Health is not liable for providing any medical advice or care, nor should it be considered as a substitute in lieu of medical advice. Information, products and services provided (through this site) are not intended to recommend, prescribe, diagnose, treat or cure any ailment or disease.