
Woman with green leaves over breast area


BD Mud Pack for Women 

6 scenarios of why the breast in women can develop weak tissue and need a BD Mud Pack
1. Trauma and Scarring of Breast Tissue

Weak tissue can develop an Interference Field (IF) through any type of piercing, tattoo, liposuction, reconstruction, reduction, implant, exploratory procedure, biopsy (internal scars may not be visible). These (IF) are also considered as physical trauma of any nature. 

Imagine a kink in a hose being the (IF) disturbing the original state and surrounding circulations and pathways of the tissue.  Much needed blood supply and its rich nutrients are hindered from flowing into that area for repair.  And the lymphatic system that carries debris and cell waste away is not working at its fullest. These weak tissues are “blocked” and therefore hindering the normal nerve, lymph and cellular functions. 

Biopsies have found the area immediately adjacent to a scar had often become highly toxic, with a greater than normal deposition of accumulated infectious material and metabolic waste.

The meridian channels and connective tissue are routinely saturated with toxic “bio-garbage” which commonly prevents the full return to health.  This embedded toxicity is often little affected by oral supplements. Supplements have little effect on most of these bio-accumulated toxins because these areas are “blocked” by a toxic buildup so that nutrients are unable to get into the most needed areas. BD Mud Pack is a great tool in rapidly restoring tissue. 


2. Demineralization

(IF) Insufficient minerals and nutrients at the time of trauma or injury can cause a weak area or weak tissue to form. So as the body is repairing, if it cannot pull from an adequate source of nutrients of a demineralized body, that area cannot be properly restored. Even though the area may appear healed, it is lacking in proper support to restore the cells to their ideal cellular resonance. In life or sports, if one becomes accidentally injured or in a planned procedure, a properly nourished person or athlete recovers faster. The BD Mud Pack can deeply detoxify and restore the cells in the body’s normal electrical conductivity.

3. Accumulation of Toxins and Chemicals

(IF) Treatments, such as radiation, are meant to internally or externally kill rapidly growing cells, such as cancer cells, which are more susceptible to the effects of radiation therapy than normal cells. This process kills healthy cells and it creates tissue damage. There again you have an area which may be blocked with scar tissue. Once cells die, they become metabolic waste. The body wants to eliminate that waste and restore that area.

Chemicals, heavy metals, and metabolic waste that have accumulated in an area can then cause an Interference Field (IF).

Women especially are exposed to face, body, hair, skin, makeup, shaving products and different chemicals on a regular and daily basis.  Through our environment we are also exposed to chemicals in our garages, under our sinks, and in our air, food, and water.   

Our skin and the products we use on them are very fat-loving and some toxins remain stored in fat tissue or what is called adipose tissue. Toxins are mostly fat soluble, which means they dissolve in body fat. They will have built up, mostly in your body fat, over many years. This is a large factor in why some women cannot lose weight, despite calorie restriction and exercise. 

This protocol is mapped out to open the detox pathways of the feet and hands (4 downloads) first, by using the BD Mud Pack. Then use the BD Dental Pack for proper oral and body drainage before moving back onto the body and breast.  The BD Mineral Serum is the activating liquid in mixing both the BD Mud Pack and the BD Dental Pack. When either of the BD Packs are wetted with the activating BD Mineral Serum, that mixture is then applied to your skin, body, and mouth in various places.

Many studies link parabens to breast cancer. What is noteworthy is that most of the chemicals are actually found in the breast tissue closest to the underarm (the axilla quadrant) of the breast, which is also where cancerous tumors are typically found. Ninety-nine percent of all breast cancer cells contain parabens – chemicals known, without a doubt, to be linked to cancer. It is no coincidence this area is also where deodorant and antiperspirants are typically applied.  

Part of the BD Mud Pack protocol is to clear the areas under the arms before going on to the breast. 

Surgeons often remove lymph tissue from under the arm when they are removing cancerous breast tissue. Fluids draining from the arm must pass through the armpit. If lymph nodes are removed from this area, lymphatic dysfunction and swelling in the arm can occur.

Studies have been conducted on environmental toxins for breast cancer.  An abundance of funding is being spent on the impact of environmental toxins. There is a large amount of research and resources out there that are readily available. 

Unfortunately, chemicals are now part of our everyday lives. There are so many that our bodies cannot efficiently handle the overload. The BD protocol is just another tool for lessening the body burden.

BD Mud Packs are never meant to be applied during any type of medical treatment, only after treatment is complete and with mutual agreement from your health care provider. 

4. Before Pregnancy or after Breast Feeding

Not only can breast tissue be toxic, studies show that most breast cancers begin in the ducts that carry milk to the nipple (ductal cancers).  Some start in the glands that make breast milk (lobular cancers). 

Toxins are mostly fat soluble, which means they dissolve in body fat. Over the course of time, toxins build up in your body fat.  Your body naturally draws on its own fat resources when making milk. In this way, the tiny levels of toxins in your body fat can pass into the fat in your breastmilk.  

BD Mud Pack should never be done during pregnancy, as toxins are being dumped into the blood stream and, again, your body will be finding ways to get rid of these toxins. 

(IF) For piercings and breastfeeding, make sure recent piercings are completely healed. Jewelry should be removed prior to breast feeding. A mother should be alert to signs of infection, as well as scarring, that can cause plugged nipple pores while breastfeeding. When nursing an infant, milk may come from the pierced sites. Again, the area immediately adjacent to a scar had often become highly toxic with a greater than normal deposition of accumulated infectious material and metabolic waste.  

Always check with your health care provider before pregnancy and motherhood or after completion of breastfeeding before applying the BD Mud Pack

Using BD Mud Pack “before” pregnancy can be a wonderful gift for delivering nurturing milk through a clean channel to a newborn.

5. Breast Implants or Explants 
* Breast Implants

BD Mud Pack can be used for reinforcing the constitution of the breast prior to breast implants and for faster recovery after implants. Implants or removal can cause Interference Field (IF) trauma to the body.  In reinforcing or restoring these areas to their ideal cellular state, the body’s lymph system can sweep away dead cells and debris. This area is more capable of swiftly bringing in new healing cells, endorphins and nutrients to those areas that received trauma. 

Biopsies have found that the area immediately adjacent to a scar often becomes highly toxic, with a greater than normal deposition of accumulated infectious material and metabolic toxins

According to the FDA, breast implants, whether silicone or gel, are known to leak.  These leach into the body and break down over time, without a doubt. Even the newest state of the art implants leach since they are being inserted into the human body at 98.6 degrees. This leaching exposes the body to platinum, as well as 40+ toxic ingredients and heavy metals, even without rupture of the breast implants. If you are experiencing any breast pain or discomfort after an implant you must see your doctor to be cleared of any possible leakage or problems etc.    

If you are experiencing unexplained symptoms, pain, swelling, leakage etc., always see your primary doctor first before doing any self-diagnosing or addressing of your breast before applying BD Mud Pack.

* Breast Explants and Breast Implant Illness (BII)

(BII) As a women if you had your breast implants removed or if you suspect that breast implants are the cause of one or more of your symptoms, this is an excellent time to accelerate the detox.  Detoxification not only restores the scar but also helps clean up any possible metabolic toxins leaching from the material of the implants. 

When a foreign substance is inserted into the body, not everyone will develop symptoms. This is not a natural, compatible material that belongs in the body.

The removal of breast implants and the capsules that grow around them is an essential step in healing and recovery. The body starts to build capsules (scar tissue) immediately after implantation and continues to build capsules over time. Capsules are the immune response to a foreign object and all breast implants develop them. 

The entire time you have implants, your systems of detoxification are diminished and your body is collecting toxins from multiple sources.  

In addition, high inflammation from breast implants is known to cause disease and illnesses, such as cancer, auto-immune diseases and metabolic diseases.  

A scar, metallic toxins and any possible leaching of materials and chemicals into that area may increase the toxicity levels of breast tissue. BD Mud Packs can not only assist in drawing out accumulated toxic buildup, it can help restore the scar and surrounding area to an ideal state of tissue health. 

* Breast Markers, Stainless Steel or Titanium 

A breast marker is about the size of a sesame seed. The markers are placed inside the breast for identification. Usually placed during an exploratory procedure to identify a biopsy site where tumor sample or breast tissue was removed. Some practices are to leave up to 5 titanium or stainless-steel clips in breast as “markers.”  Most patients go without problem or symptoms but there are documented claims of mild to severe itching, mild to sharp pain in the breast and rashes.  Some metal markers contain nickel. It is not known if someone is having a reaction to any of the metals as one does not go about testing for these metals prior to the insertion of the breast marker.   

BD Mud Pack may help eliminate some or all of the discomfort. This may be a temporary remedy for the moment and your symptoms may subside or one may need the complete retrieval of the markers. Remember, biopsies found that the area immediately adjacent to a scar had often become highly toxic, with a greater than normal deposition of accumulated infectious material and metabolic toxins.

BD Mud Packs can help to restore the flow in the lymph system, which carries debris and cell waste away, that is not working at its fullest. The surrounding tissues may have become “blocked,” hindering the normal nerve and cellular functions. 

6. Dental 

There can be a link between Metabolic Dental Toxins and Breast Health

An (IF) Interference Field can be caused by trauma to the mouth or metabolic toxins.

A trauma of the mouth can be caused by external or internal damage, injection sites, surgeries, cavitations, implants, and previously extracted teeth. Internal damage can also be from dead cell waste from past or present gum disease or dental infections.

Dental infections, root canals and cavitations can be linked to breast cancer

Metabolic dental toxins are toxic materials injected or topical. Metal ions leach from toxic fillings or posts that may have lodged in mucous membranes or gum tissue. Teeth and mouth products, chemicals, heavy metals, plaque and metabolic toxins that have accumulated in an area that can then cause an (IF).

This means that abnormal minerals and toxic substances may accumulate inside the cell. As a result, the cell loses the ability to repair itself and resume normal functioning.

BD Dental Pack can be the most detoxifying combination of clays to clear and restore damaged cells by assisting with the removal of the bio-accumulations and any possible (IF) of the oral cavity.

BD Dental Pack

Aids to Clear and Restore Oral Cavity

BD Dental Pack can be used to open pathways and strengthen the constitution of the oral tissue area prior to any scheduled dental procedure.

BD Dental Pack can be used after any dental procedure to keep the pathways of the lymph and blood systems open and to remove bioaccumulation of topical anesthetics or injections.

BD Dental Pack is ideal to use on its own, for occasional maintenance of the oral cavity.

BD Dental Pack

Periodontal Disease and Breast Cancer

Evidence supports the theory that breast cancer can be triggered as a result of systemic inflammation which originates from infected gum or teeth.

Gum disease is caused when dental plaque, a film of bacteria which forms on the surface of the teeth is not removed from the mouth correctly with a good oral care routine.

Toxins and bacteria enter the lymphatic system and bloodstream from the tooth root, causing depressed immunity. This metabolic dental waste can also cause inflammation or infection and manifest as a problem in another area.

If you are not sure if you have any underlying infections, plaque buildup etc., you should see your dental professional.

For optimal results, one should be free of any dental plaque or infections prior to doing the BD Mud Pack or BD Dental Pack.

BD Mud Pack and BD Dental Pack

BD Mud Pack and BD Dental Pack protocol is a form of high-grade therapeutic muds which is applied to the breast, oral cavity and other parts of the body in a specific order to allow for maximum cellular detoxification. This protocol helps remove harmful toxins from inside the cells and accumulate bio-toxicity around an (IF) and re-establishes the body’s normal bio-electromagnetic flow.

BD Mud Pack and BD Dental Pack are not a superficial detoxing mud complex that only detoxes the surface of the skin. The skin is an incredible “breathing” matrix and is the largest organ in the body. Whatever you put on your skin, is absorbed internally and goes into systemic circulation. One of the best ways to detox is through the skin.

BD Mud Pack and BD Dental Pack

This protocol is mapped out to open the detox pathways of the feet and hands (4 downloads) first, by using the BD Mud Pack. Then use the BD Dental Pack for proper oral and body drainage before moving on to the body and breast.

When the BD Packs are wetted with the activating BD Mineral Serum, that pack is then applied to your skin, on the body in various places. The natural detoxifiers in the BD Packs are highly negatively charged. Toxins and synthetic chemicals are positively charged. An osmotic effect occurs where the positively charged ions of the chemical toxins are attracted to draw them out of the tissue. 

This protocol is getting ahead of any possible drainage pathways to the breast first and keeping the body from backing up. This does not have to be done every time you pack your body or mouth but consider revisiting these areas for possible re-accumulation.

This protocol can rapidly eliminate years of bio-accumulations by repairing nerve, lymph and the body’s energy flow. It can remove a large toxic burden off of one’s body.

*BD Mineral Serum is the activating liquid for both BD Mud Pack and the BD Dental Pack *

BD Mud Pack and BD Dental Pack

Complete Protocol
Contact: Intentional Health Breast Detox (310) 214-9411

Email: [email protected]

Disclaimer: Intentional Health is not liable for providing any medical advice or care, nor should it be considered as a substitute in lieu of medical advice. Information, products and services provided (through this site) are not intended to recommend, prescribe, diagnose, treat or cure any ailment or disease.